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5 Questions for Andrew and Brandyn Thumbnail

5 Questions for Andrew and Brandyn

Earlier this summer, Christopher Street onboarded two new hires:  Andrew Pollack and Brandyn Shetler. Both Andrew and Brandyn are turning out to be great additions to our growing team – just like we knew they would! You can learn more about their work experience and backgrounds over on our Teams Page. We’d like to use this blog space to ask each of them “Five Quick Questions”.  

Andrew Pollack

What's your guilty pleasure TV show, and why should we be watching it? 

Schitt’s Creek has been a guilty pleasure show of mine and I have seen it through more times than I care to admit. I think the character development is some of the best I have seen on TV and the relationships that are cultivated across characters is incredible. 

What’s your favorite breakfast food? 

An everything bagel with cream cheese and lox. When I was growing up, my dad would go get us bagels every Sunday morning and it was a time that our whole family would get to be together before the craziness that were our Sunday afternoons. Even though a bagel is a simple answer, it’s hard to beat a good New York bagel, and it always reminds me of home.

What's the weirdest food you've ever eaten, and would you try it again? 

Ants. And, no.

Do you have any hidden talents outside of work you'd like to share?

I did a cappella in high school and in college. While I don’t sing anymore, I do love a good karaoke night with friends.

Would you rather live in a world without music or movies? 

A world without movies. Whenever I can, I listen to music – commuting, running, cooking, working, there is music playing. Fun fact – I have made a monthly playlist every month for the past eight years. Every stage of my life has been defined by music, and I can’t imagine a world without it.


Brandyn Shetler

What would you choose an unlimited supply of in the office? 

Lacroix.   Berry flavor.  At the time of answering this question I’ve already had 4!   I’m not a coffee drinker.  I am a Lacroix drinker.

What would you choose if you could only eat one time of cuisine the rest of your life? 

Pasta.   Anything pasta.  Any shape.  Any sauce.   Endless options.

What’s your favorite sports team or athlete? 

Ohio State.   The buckeyes…the poisonous nut.

What hobby would you like to try if you had time?  

Scuba diving.   Never tried it. Would like to give it go!     

Would you rather live in a world without technology or nature?

Technology.   Absolutely.  Give me nature.