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Frequently Asked Questions

How much money do I need to begin? What do your advisory services cost?

An initial conversation requires nothing more than a few minutes of your time and the openness to tell us how we can help you. If we mutually agree that our services fit your needs, a more detailed financial review will be offered. 

To establish an advisory relationship, a minimum of $1,000,000 in investable assets or annual fees of $10,000 per year is typically required. If you prefer an hourly fee-based relationship, we can refer you to highly qualified advisors. To learn more about our fees, click here

How do you get compensated?

Your best interests come first. So, while we may be paid in various ways, your best interests remain the top priority. 


For clients with at least $1,000,000 in investable assets, we typically earn fees based on the value of your account. By providing you with tailored service, we are rewarded with your continuing business. 


In some cases, we will earn commissions on the investments purchased for you. The choice between fees or commissions will be yours. We will always disclose and explain your different options to you.


We grow our business by our clients' introductions to their friends, family, and business associates. Your word-of-mouth enthusiasm is our most valuable reward.

Who chooses my advisor?

At Christopher Street Financial, we work as an integrated team. As you join our family of clients, a senior advisor will evaluate your unique needs, goals, and expectations to determine which advisor on our team may be able to best help you. 

Every advisor at Christopher Street Financial is a highly trained and qualified financial professional. But like the clients we serve, each has different life experiences and interpersonal skills to offer. Ultimately, the success of your financial partnership will depend on the relationship developed between you and your advisor.

Your advisor will be your primary contact at Christopher Street Financial. But, you will always have the knowledge, experience, and support of a full team of financial advisors and client service professionals at your disposal. Check out the photos and bios of our team.

I don’t live in New York. Are you able to work with me if I live in California? Florida? Minnesota?

Absolutely! We can work with individuals in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. In fact, our team is increasingly represented by individuals from across the country.

While the COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges, it reinforced for us that it’s not where you are that matters but who you are. We still love to see our clients in person, but virtual meetings have made it possible to connect with a growing number of clients and colleagues who share our values regardless of location.

If your name is Christopher Street Financial, why are you located on Park Avenue?

Though today we could be located just about anywhere, our primary offices at 475 Park Avenue South are convenient for our staff and many of our clients who choose to visit us. The actual “Christopher Street” in Greenwich Village is synonymous with the gay rights movement and the Stonewall riots back in 1969. While some may recognize the name and associate it with the market we serve, LGBTQ+ community is no longer compartmentalized into a “gay ghetto.”  Click here to read more about our name.

Am I limited to certain types of Investments?

No. Christopher Street Financial is independent, and we align ourselves with products that are tailored to the needs of our clients. This is our major distinction from most other financial services firms and brokerage houses. Our independence enables us to take an objective approach when selecting and designing the most appropriate plan for your situation. We don’t have any parent company pushing us to offer their own products. We offer various types of securities, including some of the most respected mutual funds and ETFs in the world. We help you choose what is right for you.

Why would I choose Christopher Street Financial when there are so many online investing services?

Financial planning is more than just picking stocks. We look at the big picture. How your assets are invested is just one part of a long-term, holistic strategy that we will design and execute in partnership with you. 

But, ultimately it is a personal decision. An online account may be right for you if you have the time for and the interest in researching investments and the risk appetite to invest on your own.

Where are my investments held?

Christopher Street Financial is not a custodian, which means we do not directly hold any investments. We use several custodians to fit your different needs. Most of our larger accounts are held at SEI Private Trust Company, a global investment manager which has delivered consistent long-term performance through scientifically constructed asset allocation portfolios. Alternatively, we may elect to custody your funds at Fidelity Institutional℠ through National Financial Services, LLC (NFS), a Fidelity Investments broker-dealer. 

*There is no form of legal partnership, agency affiliation or similar relationship between your financial advisor and Fidelity Investments, nor is such a relationship created or implied by the information herein. Fidelity Investments is a registered service mark of FMR LLC. Fidelity Institutional℠ provides clearing, custody, or other brokerage services through National Financial Services LLC or Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Members NYSE, SIPC. 852066.2.0

I have a 401(k) from my previous job. Can you help me roll it over?

That’s one of the many places we believe that Christopher Street Financial excels. We’ve assisted thousands of clients to transfer and invest 401(k) and other retirement savings plans, as well as employee stock options plans. We offer guidance on the right action for right now and the long-term implication of those choices. Before rolling assets over from a qualified plan, we can help you consider investment options, fees and expenses, penalty-free withdrawals, Required Minimum Distributions, and tax considerations. Speak to a tax professional about your individual situation before taking any action.

I’m not gay. Can I still invest with you?

Yes. Christopher Street Financial began with a vision of inclusion, and our commitment to that vision has been unwavering. Over forty years ago, Christopher Street Financial created a safe space that gave voice to a group with unique financial needs. Forty years has brought tremendous social change and progress, but the value of that safe space remains. Gay, straight, single women, married couples, grandparents, cousins…we welcome anyone who shares our values.

Where do I start?

It all begins with a conversation. We want to hear your story and give you the opportunity to learn more about ours. You can start by giving us a call or emailing us. Hopefully, it will be the first step in a meaningful journey together.